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Welcome to Transformational Redesign
Home of Louanne Howard
Feng Shui Design Consultant

You may ask ‘What is Feng Shui and what is a Feng Shui Design Consultant?’

Simply put feng shui is wind and water.  It is the seen and the unseen.  It is the ancient art of placement that correlates health, wealth, and happiness and is reflected in how we design and decorate our environment at home and at work.
Interior design is the art of arrangement. Interior redesign is also the art of arrangement, plus finding value in your belongings, utilizing what you already have to the best advantage for you.

Interior Designers are usually concerned with aesthetics – choosing specific objects and colors, walk patterns, living styles, etc.  As a Feng Shui Design Consultant, I am concerned with these aspects also.  However, I am also concerned with choosing the specific objects and colors that will support and surround you with an effective environment that nurtures your intention and supports and empowers you.  It is this added extra component that makes the difference.  It is the glue that makes it all work.

When you combine Feng Shui and interior redesign you are blending and creating Interior Attunement.  Creating Interior Attunement blends the spirit, which is the internal environment of you (YIN) with the physical, which is the external environment (YANG).  I assist and guide you in choosing all objects, colors, materials, and redesigning floor plans, creating a complete support system, and enhancing the effectiveness of your environment.

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